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    360 Link: Troubleshooting an Article Preserved on Your LOCKSS Box

    • Product: 360 Link



    If you cannot access an article through the 360 Link LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe) provider that is preserved on your LOCKSS box, use the following steps to diagnose the problem.


    1. Verify that the LOCKSS provider is properly configured in your 360 Link account.
    2. Temporarily set the following configuration parameter in your LOCKSS box Expert Config screen. This causes the OpenURL resolver to output detailed information about how it handles queries.

    3. Send an OpenURL query to your LOCKSS box Content Server for an article that is preserved. Example OpenURL query:


    4. Check your LOCKSS log file by selecting the Logs link in the list of actions on the right of your LOCKSS box administrative GUI, and the 'daemon' file from the log directory list. The most recent lines should display OpenUrlResolver log information about the query.

    Additional Information



    • Article last edited: 24-Mar-2017