Change number Description Module Change Type SI number PRB number PC files Implementation Notes
1 Fix a bug in Cash package that causes data corruption in reports when using fields, such as Patron StatusID and Cash Sub Library. REPORTS Correction 00023724 - - Refer to "The ARC Service Pack - v4.00" document.
2 In the 'Acquisition Budgets' package, fields under Orders -> Periods -> Subscription From Date retrieve incorrect data. This is caused by missing relations between objects. REPORTS Correction 00070678 - - Refer to "The ARC Service Pack - v4.00" document.
4 Incremental ETL - After requests are deleted, the 'Number of current requests' is not correct in the STG_FACT_ITEMS table. This has been corrected. REPORTS Correction 00097921 - - Refer to "The ARC Service Pack - v4.00" document.