Script - Patron Deposit Overview ================================ Patrons can deposit digital materials into Collections in Alma via Alma's Deposit Portal. In this session we'll look at an example patron deposit, and then explain the underlying process in Alma. In our next two sessions we'll show how to configure Patron Deposits. For the example deposit our patron would like to submit a PDF of their dissertation. They log into the Deposit Portal, the URL of which is /Deposit. In the Deposit portal, they can see their historical deposits. To make a new deposit click Create Deposit. Select the relevant Deposit Profile, in our case there's only one choice. We'll explain more about Deposit profiles later. The Deposit has opened. This form can be configured in Alma to determine which fields appear here and whether they are mandatory. In our example ther patron fills in a mandatory Title, an optional Abstract. The file is uploaded by drag-and-drop. They may add a note, and they need to confirm the Terms and Conditions. They can save this deposit as a draft to be submitted later, or Submit now. The Deposit is in progress. Now it has been submitted successfully, and it appears in the list of deposits. So that's what the deposit workflow looks like from the patron's perspective. Now let's look at a schema of the deposit process we've just seen to understand the various elements in Alma that you need configure in order to set up Patron Deposits. Our patron is a user in alma and they have a document they'd like to submit. The patron belongs to a User Group in Alma, such as "Academic Staff". The destination of the document in Alma is a Collection, such as "Humanities Dissertations". The collection is associated with a Deposit Form where users fill in the metadata of the item. In our example the patron had to fill in a Title and an Abstract in the deposit form. The final connecting piece between the User Group and the Collection is the Deposit Profile. The Deposit Profile determines the workflow; it is where you configure the various policies of the deposit such as: which user groups can deposit, how many files per deposit, maximal file size, and auto-approval. If you recall, our patron intiated the deposit by selecting a Deposit Profile called "Staff Deposit". With all these elements in place, the user can submit a deposit as we've seen. Now that we understand the underlying structure of deposits in Alma, we can configure each of the necessary elements. We assume you already have your Collections, Users, and User Groups set up. so in our next two sessions we'll learn how to configure a Deposit Profile and a Deposit form.