Configuring Deposit Profiles ============================= As we saw in our Patron Deposit Overview, The Deposit Profile is the workflow that allows patrons in select user groups to deposit in a specific Collection. Deposit Profiles determine such policies as which user groups can deposit, how many files per deposit, maximal file size, and auto-approval. Users with the Deposit Manager role in Alma can configure Deposit Profiles under Resources > Deposit > Deposit Profiles. Here you can add a new Deposit Profile by clicking Add Deposit Profile, or you can configure an existing profile. Let's look at the Staff Deposit profile, which was used in our previous session. Click on its name to edit it. The Deposit Profile has a mandatory name, an optional description, and must have a status of Active to be used. Also mandatory is the Digital Collection to which the items will be submitted. In this example it's the Miscellaneous Digital Items Collection. A deposit profile can only be associated with one collection. However, each collection can be associated with several deposit profiles. allowing you to have different deposit policies for different user groups, for example if you want staff deposits to be auto-approved, but not student deposits. Another crucial field is the Student Groups that can use this Deposit Profile. We currently have one group selected, but we can add more. Also in this Validation section -- you can add public instructions. These instructions are presented on top of the submission form, and you can configure them in several languages. You can place a limit on the number of files per deposit, and the file size. You can also limit deposits by file extension; for example only allowing PDF files or MP4 files. Let's look at some configurations related to Post submission Record Processing: Auto-approve means all deposits from this profile will automatically be added to Alma's Repository. Leaving this option unselected, means library staff will have to approve the deposit after submission. The Access rights policy determines who can access the item from Alma's repository and when. Selecting "Add waiver to bibliographic record" saves the waiver the user agreed to during deposit as part of the bib record. Now some options relating to post-approval: Selecting unsuppress bibliographic record will expose the record to searches in your discovery system. Enrich bibliographic record will add deposit-related fields to the bib-record such as the date submitted and Patron ID. Generate a representation note will copy any deposit approval notes to the representation when the deposit is approved. If you like, you can preview which fields appear in the Deposit Form that's associated with this Deposit Profile's collection. The default form contains only two fields Title and Abstract. We'll talk about how to configure more sophisticated Deposit Forms in our next session. When you're done configuring your Deposit Profile, don't forget to save it. Thanks for joining!