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    Bad messages in Circ Logger, such as "Regular return, User denied permission ...

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We see incongruous messages in the Circ Logger (z309), such as the following:

    z309_text .............Regular loan
    z309_data .............User name 11/06/2007 07:32 PM does not exist.

    z309_text .............Regular return
    z309_data .............User denied permission for function '01/22/200

    z309_text .............Late return
    z309_data .............Library not accessible.

    In each case, the text of the ./error_eng/global message is being used when the text should be coming from the ./error_eng/circ_logger file:

    circ_logger: 0001 0000 L Regular loan, due date $1.
    global: 0001 0000 L User name $1 does not exist.

    circ_logger: 0003 0000 L Regular return, return date $1
    global: 0003 0000 L User denied permission for function '$1/$2'.

    circ_logger: 0006 0000 L Late return, Original due date:$1. Actually returned on: $2
    global: 0006 0000 L Library not accessible.

    It may be that this could occur if the system were unable to find any circ_logger file, but it seems that even when there is one it can happen....

    We have found that this problem occurs when the site has an $alephe_root/error_eng directory which is populated with obsolete versions of the error_eng files (see KB 8192-824), and the new circ_logger file is not included in this $alephe_root/error_eng directory. It seems that it should find the $aleph_root/circ_logger file in this case but for some reason is looking in the $alephe_root/global instead.

    The solution is to take the steps described in in the article " Customization of pc_b_eng and error_eng files in version 17-up **MASTER RECORD** " (KB 8192-824) , after which, the $alephe_root/error_eng/ will be pretty much empty and the system will find the $aleph_root/error_eng/circ_logger, as it should.

    Analysis for staff by Jerry KB Notes.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013