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    CATALOGER holds for quick cat items -- all or nothing?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    I could swear that at one time i had suppressed CATALOGER holds for circulation quick cat items for selected sub-libraries. my notes say "to prevent holds being placed for every on-the-fly bib created in this sublibrary, use the Aleph CIRC client to go into the patron record for aleph ID 'CATALOGER' and create a local record (borrower status 50) for this sublibrary."

    now this isn't working (though staff assure me it was, at one time). moreover, i can't find anything in the Aleph documentation confirming this ...

    the _staff users guide_ does say that "If the ID does not exist as a valid pseudo-patron, no request is created."

    our users want holds for some circulation units but not for others. is this possible?

    we are a single ADM library.

    From site: i found some further notes on this which suggest that the ability to generate cataloger holds for some, but not all, sub-libraries went away in version 18. i created a workaound. closing this ticket.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013