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    Changing the sublibrary code in order records


    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local



    We need to change certain sublibrary codes. We know that the code can be changed in the holdings records by running the manage-20 Global Change Service in the xxx60 library -- which then propagates it to the items associated with the HOL via the xxx60 ue_01 Service.  (After which, manage-62 can be run in the xxx60 library to change it in items with the temp flag set to "Y" or not linked to any HOL record.)  But how would we change it in other kinds of records, such as the order records?  


    The first part of the article " How to move item, order, etc., records to new ADM library "  is useful in understanding which records contain the sublibrary code.  (The rest of the article, about moving the records to a different ADM library, can be ignored.)

    The sublibrary code in the order records -- and all the other records with the exception of the HOL and item -- would need to be updated via SQL....  In the case of the order record that would be:  

    SQL> update z68 set z68_sub_library = 'XXXXX' where z68_sub_library = 'YYYYY';
    SQL> commit;

    All the tables being updated should be backed-up prior to update using the file-03 Service or the Oracle datapump.

    Note:  SQL update of the z68_sub_library field does not necessitate rebuilding of the z79 (order index) or z111 (ADM keyword index) since the sublibrary isn't in those records. 

    The " Changing sublibrary codes " article has some additional considerations.


    • Article last edited: 8-Mar-2018
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