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    Configure Call Number Counters for Each Sub-Library via util g/2 call-number-xxxx

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 21

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    Set up call number counters for each sub-library using the call-number-xxxx parameter in util g/2

    AL500\ALEPHCOM\TAB\alephcom.ini > [ExpandField]
    2 = the user must type a call number in the field or activate a counter by typing ? and the code of the counter that is defined in UTIL G/2.

    Additional Information

    * This functionality can be used in the Cataloging module when creating items and in the Acquisitions module when adding a subscription.
    * There are ExpandField's for both the Item Form "Call No." and "Second Call No." fields (and in the Serials module > Subscription Form).
    * This can only be done if the holdings record is NOT used for control of the call number.
    * Settings include assign manually in each field by typing in text, choose from a drop-down menu, fill in a form, or activate a counter by typing ? and the code of the counter.
    * The counter must be set in the ADM library util g/2 call-number-xxxx parameter
    * For a detailed description of this process, see the System Librarian's Guide > Items (section 6)

    Category: Cataloging - ALEPH

    Subject: Items - ALEPH

    • Article last edited: 2/25/2014