Course Reserve z13u not building for certain records
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 19.01
On our production machine we have found that our abc30.z13u table is not building correctly. We have hundreds of rows with a z13u_rec_key column defined and all other columns are null. For example, look at z13u_rec_key = '000108410'.
It appears that when the data is only defined in abc30.z13 and is not defined in abc01.z13 this is happening.
So our Course Packs and Professor's personal copies of books that have records in abc30.z13 and not in abc01.z13 have near empty rows in abc30.z13u (only the rec_key column has data). How do we correct this?
In the case where the xxx30 record is not connected to an xxx01 record, it is connected to an xxx30 "connection record". This is described in section 4 of the "System Librarian’s Guide – Course Reading and Reserves".
The following SQL shows that abc30 doc record 000108410 is a "connection record" for doc rec 000108411:
xxx30@ALEPH0> select z11_rec_key, z11_doc_number from z11 where z11_rec_key like 'SID%000108410%';
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
SID ABC30 000108410 SC388 01 000108411 000108411
And we see that abc30 doc record 000108411 *does* have the appropriate z13u records:
02 z13u_rec_key \
03 doc_number ................000108411
02 z13u_user_defined_1_code ....CNO-0
02 z13u_user_defined_1 .........SC388.01
02 z13u_user_defined_2_code ....CNO-0
02 z13u_user_defined_2 .........Culture Through Film
02 z13u_user_defined_3_code ....CNO-0
02 z13u_user_defined_3 .........Hamm, James H.
02 z13u_user_defined_4_code ....CNO-6
02 z13u_user_defined_4 .........1 Winter Semester Spring Semester
You should think of the base record and the connection record as a pair. As long as the base record is displaying OK, that's all that counts.
(It's true that doc# 000108410 *does* have a z13 record, but this is not really used....)
Is there something which is missing in the GUI or OPAC Course Reserve display? If not, this lack of z13u records should not be a cause for concern.
Additional Information
connecting record, connection bib , faq
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013