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    Creating sublibraries for non-ADM library

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Is it possible to create sublibraries for a non-ADM library? The problem we're facing is that some consortium libraries are mistakenly editing holdings records (specifically, deleting pub patterns that aren't theirs). We'd like to be able to limit users' ability to see only the pub patterns that belong to their institution.

    Currently, the holdings library ABC60 has no sublibraries. What we want to see is sublibraries associated with ABC60 (e.g., TNSFO, TNSGI, etc.). Then for a user's serial permissions, we'd limit their view and update privileges to their own sublibraries.

    I believe that this should be handled with OWN fields in the HOL record.

    A global change could be run to create an OWN field using the 852 $$b value. The addition of the OWN can happen automatically on an ongoing basis via the fix_doc_own_1. (This is described in KB 8192-10647.)

    OWNership is respected in the Cataloging module, but it does not carry-over to the ADM (Serials) function.

    If you want this OWN control over the pattern, we suggest that you have the staff work with the pattern in the HOL record only {and turn off --for everyone-- the permission to *update* the pattern (and the Level-X) in Serials}.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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