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    Dates are not printed correctly on the ILL arrival slip

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Problem Symptoms:
    * z411-arrival-date and z411-expected-return-date are not printed correctly on the arrival slip (xxx40/form_lng/ill-arrival-slip-new.xsl)
    * They are OK in the patron letter (xxx40/form_lng/ill-patron-letter-a-00.xsl)
    * In both xsl, the sections with the z411-arrival-date and z411-expected-return-date look the same
    * Strangely the z410-open-date is printed correctly on the arrival slip, not YYYYMMDD but DD/MM/YYYY

    There is only a translation routine defined for z411-arrival-date and z411-expected-return-date in the translate file for the patron letter. There is no specific translate file for the arrival slip so the global translate file is used for this printout and in the global file, there are no lines for z411-arrival-date and z411-expected-return-date. The reason why the z410-open-date is printed correctly on the arrival slip is because there is a line for this date in the global translate file:

    aleph@alephs10(a20_1) XXX40> grep 'z410-open-date' global.trn
    z410-open-date DATE S
    aleph@alephs10(a20_1) XXX40>

    1. Add the following lines to the global translation file:


    z411-expected-return-date DATE S
    z411-arrival-date DATE S


    Create a specific translate file for the arrival slip and add the relevant lines there.


    z411-expected-return-date DATE S
    z411-arrival-date DATE S

    After making changes to .trn files it is not necessary to create a new print template package via uti i/6 because the package only contains the .xsl files.

    Category: ILL2 (500)

    Subject: Borrowing Request (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013