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    Does Aleph have a limit on the number of loans that show on the item record?

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23


    Does Aleph have a limit on the number of loans that show on the item record?


    Yes, z30_no_loans is a 3-byte field and the system resets the value to 1 when it passes 999.


    (Note:  with v23 rep_change 2030, there has been a change and the maximum value of z30_no_loans is 998. If there are more than 998 loans, the item's number of loans remains 998.)

    Additional Information

    You can use the following SQL to get the actual count of loans for a particular item with more than 999 loans for any years for which the ADM z35 (Circulation Events) table is available:

    SQL> select count(*) from z35 where z35_rec_key = '000123456' and z35_item_sequence = '10' and z35_event_type like '5%';

    [Note: The item sequence is stored in the z35 without the leading zeroes: "000010" is stored as "10".]

    Or the following to get the number of loans for a group of items (such as a group of laptops) with the same ADM.

    SQL> select count(*) from z35 where z35_rec_key = '000123456' and z35_event_type like '5%';

    Or the following to limit the count in the preceding case to a particular school year:

    SQL> select count(*) from z35 where z35_rec_key = '000123456' and z35_event_type like '5%' and z35_event_date > '20130731' and z35_event_date < '20140801';

    Category: Circulation/ALEPH

    Subject: ALEPH - 500

    • Article last edited: 9/26/2014