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    Error (expand_doc_hld_stmt) : no ADM library for HOL"


    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care


    Problem Symptoms:
    After adding the following lines to the xxx60/tab/tab_expand -- per KB 34082 {"How to Expand Summary Holding (866) field to Primo"}-- :
    HOL-LOC   expand_doc_hol_bib
    HOL-LOC   expand_doc_hld_stmt GET_Z30_BY=HOL
    HOL-LOC   expand_doc_hol_86x

    the Summary Holdings are expanded as expected, but the following error occurs hundreds of times in the p_print_03 logs: "Error (expand_doc_hld_stmt) : no ADM library for HOL".


    This error appears when HOL record has no link to Items, 
    1. because the ADM doesn't exist, 
    2. because the ADM does not have Items, or 
    3. because the items are not linked to the HOL. 

    In BIB, the errors should be ignored because this is "expand in an expand" - expand in HOL expanded to BIB. The actual library is BIB and BIB does not have items directly linked to it. 

    The HOL-LOC is called by expand_doc_bib_loc_1_a , which is also part of expand_doc_bib_loc_usm in BIB.


    Ignore the error message if 1 of the 3 preceding causes applies.



    • Article last edited: 12-Mar-2016
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