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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Error messages when using the new user registration form, field Z304_DATE_TO

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 21


    $alephe_root/www_f_lng/bor-new: when deleting the line for Z304_DATE_TO from the registration form and setting the field to hidden the date to is not calculated according to the settings in usm50/tab/tab100 but to a supposedly hardcoded date. When adding Z304_DATE_TO to the form and filling the field with 00000000 the date to is correctly calculated. Usm50/tab/tab_bor_address is empty. How is field Z304_DATE_TO handled by the program?


    If the parameter Z304_DATE_TO is hidden, the value of the DATE_TO will be 6 months from the current date (this is hard coded).
    If the parameter is not hidden (and zero), the date will be set according to tab_bor_address (if there is no value there it will be set to the current date).

    Category: Circulation/ALEPH

    Subject: ALEPH - 500

    • Article last edited: 12/11/2014