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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Extract bibliographic data from a specific sub-library to COPAC

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 22

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    Extract from a specific sub-library ABC bibliographic and holdings data to export it to a UK union catalogue called COPAC

    1) In CATALOG GUI call up service "Retrieve Records Using CCL (ret-03)" and use "Command Language Phrase" = "wsl = ( abc )". Choose a name for the output file (e.g. "outputret03")

    2) When the service has finished call up service "Download Machine-Readable Records (print-03)".
    User your output file from ret-03 (e.g. "outputret03") as input file now.
    Choose a name for the output file (e.g. "outputprint03").
    Enter "ALL" for Field 1.

    3) Provide the output file of print_03 to COPAC.

    Additional Information

    From the COPAC homepage we understand that COPAC is able to load data in MARC XML but even in „Aleph sequential format”. So you need to provide to COPAC an output file of p_print_03.

    From your configuration files in ./xxx01/tab we see that you have setup a sub-library word index called WSL.

    • Article last edited: 9/8/2014