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    GUI Client Crashes When Selecting Active Due Dates for Particular Sublibrary

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 21

    Problem Symptoms:
    * When trying to show the active due dates for sublibrary ABCD, a critical-stop error occurs, and the GUI client crashes. The due dates for other sublibraries do not have this problem.
    * The following is seen in the xxx50 util f/4 for z301 (Circulation Dates) when ABCD is specified as the key:
    02 z301_line[000000499]..8877+0000000020100520+04000000+0000000020100520A00000900
    02 z301_line[000000500]..8880+0000000020100520+04000000+0000000020100520A00000900
    02 z301_line[000000501].. ABCD k ?EXTFH
    02 z301_line[000000502].. ??¸ 2Gx ma 000000502enter *
    02 z301_line[000000503]..
    02 z301_line[000000504]..
    02 z301_line[000000505]..
    -- indicating that there are 505 lines for ABCD.

    The Aleph version 21 xxx50/tab/tab16 (Due dates, fines & limits) header states: "A maximum of 500 lines may be defined for each ID group."

    1. The number of z301 lines is a combination of tab16 and tab17 (Library open hours) lines specific to this sublibrary, but the most effective method of reducing the number of lines is to reduce the number of lines for this sublibrary in tab17. There may be outdated lines in tab17 that can easily be removed.
    2. Generate a new z301, as described in KB 150 (Making due date changes take effect immediately).

    Additional Information

    As noted in KB 16384-24883 (What Oracle Tables does the Circulation Module Use?) and further elaborated in KB 150, the Oracle z301 table is a temporary table built from tab17, tab16, etc.

    Category: Circulation (500)

    Subject: Loans (500)

    • Article last edited: 12/10/2013