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    GUI record changes are not taking priority in index queue

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    Problem Symptoms:
    New, manage-18-generated records are being indexed in preference to records created/updated in GUI Cataloging or brought in from OCLC.

    Default system behavior.

    As described in Article "Z07 records: order of processing; controlling indexing priority", the default is for new records, regardless of source, to be given priority. This can be changed via the "setenv z07_p_manage_nn" parameters in aleph_start, as described in  the article.

    Also, the manage-18 ("Load ALEPH Sequential MARC Records") service has an "Override Indexing Priority" option (seen in the manage-18 job log as "p_z07_priority_year") which can be used instead of a setenv.

    We suggest this:

    1. Specify a "setenv z07_p_manage_18" value in aleph_start.private for the normal default desired for manage-18-loaded records.
    2. If you want the records in a particular manage-18 run to have a different indexing priority than that specified in the aleph_start setenv, then include an "Override Indexing Priority" for that particular run.


    NOTE:  In order to make a "setenv z07_xxxx" take effect for a GUI-submitted job, the batch queue needs to be restarted (util c/3, then util c/2).


    • Article last edited: 2/9/2015
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