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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Gaps in system numbers in ABC01 after p_manage_18

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We realized that suddenly last-doc-number in UTIL G 2 in ABC01 has been jumped from 1.050.000 to 15.400.000 (we only have around 1 Mio BIB records). How does this happen?

    In this case we see that you have executed p_manage_18 with the following parameters:

    As an input file you have used a file from your central Aleph catalog. These file is containing system numbers 15.000.000 and up.

    If you choose option OLD [= Update current records in the database] in p_manage_18, Aleph always tries to use the number of the record from the input file. Therefore records in 15.000.000-number-range have been created. In a next step Aleph updates the last-doc-number accordingly. Therefore also new records from Catalog GUI are getting these high numbers.

    To avoid this case, you can use p_manage_18 with option NEW. Then p_manage_18 is calculating new system numbers.

    Note: If you accidentally have executed p_manage_18 with option OLD we do NOT recommend to change last-doc-number manually back to a lower number. The counter "last-doc-number" MUST be set to the highest system number in your library. Gaps in the system numbers do not have any impact on the functionality of Aleph.

    Additional Information

    p_manage_18 last-doc-number

    • Article last edited: 4/16/2014
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