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    How can I define different edit_field definitions for field LOC?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    How can I define different edit_field definitions for field LOC in full view and result lists (MAB2 environment)?

    The field LOC is built by expanding Z30 data to the BIB record. There are some things you should know when dealing with the LOC field:

    1. Only the edit_field ID "L" is functional. While you may generally choose any edit_field ID for your fields (for example column 6 in edit_doc_999.lng, column 8 in www_tab_short.lng, column 4 in edit_field.lng), for LOC every entry with another ID than "L" will be ignored.

    Solution: If you want to set up different edit_field definitions for various instances, just rename the LOC field. For example you may retain the name LOC in edit_doc_999 (full view), while you change it to LOD in www_tab_short. Therefore in tab_expand change the line

    WEB-BRIEF expand_doc_bib_z30 CONF=expand_doc_bib_z30_loc,TAG=LOC


    WEB-BRIEF expand_doc_bib_z30 CONF=expand_doc_bib_z30_loc,TAG=LOD

    In www_tab_short.lng include a line for displaying LOD instead of LOC. And in edit_field.lng enter a new line for the field LOD.

    Note: Any special function of the LOC field (like creating a link from full view to the holdings) will not work with this new LOD field. It is just for display.

    Additional Information

    MAB2, expand_doc_bib_z30, WEB-BRIEF

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013