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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    How can I unlock the database in case of "Data pool locked"?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 4.1

    How can I unlock the database in case of "Data pool locked"?

    If your Alephino server has not been shut down properly, the next time when you try to access the database, the error message “Data pool locked” is displayed.

    1. To first of all unlock the database, go to the Web Service module, choose the menue Administration and there the function "Check database". Run the function for all existing databases. Now the database is unlocked and you can continue working with Alephino. But the database is not in a state yet where it can be saved, the check is only a very rough check (If you now tried to do an Alephino backup via Save database, the error message [22] “Saving not possible (pool damaged?)” would be displayed).

    2. To bring your database into a state where it can be saved, you should always after a server crash load the latest backup together with a reconstruction of all changes like new titles, loans etc. done since then. [Alephino Web Services / Saving / Restore database: look at date! Before starting the restore, copy the directory Pools while the Alephino server is shutdown, so that in case something goes wrong, you can do it again, activate checkbox "Reconstruction"!].

    Additional Information

    Data pool locked

    • Article last edited: 10/17/2013