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    How to make ALEPH WEB OPAC display the Results List always in Table Format?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16 and up





    We would like our web OPAC to display our results list in table format as the default. How can we do that?


    The setup of the Brief Records Display list in the WEB OPAC is done in the User Profile function of the Circulation module.

    To change the ALEPH profile that manages the WEB OPAC sessions for your guest users, do the following:

    1) Go to the Circulation module and log-in with your username/password
    2) Go to menu Patrons > Patron Profile
    3) Locate the ALEPH profile in the list and click on Modify
    4) Change the contents of the field "Auto Full" from 10 to 0. Also, make sure that the field "Brief Format" is filled with option "000" for Table.
    5) Save the profile by clicking the OK button.

    This will make ALEPH display a table view for every search that your patrons run in the WEB OPAC.

    You can change the Brief Display format just for the current session in "preferences" on the Web OPAC. 


    In case a signed in patron wants to change the preferences permanently he has to say "Update personal profile = Y". This is only possible when it is allowed in $alephe_root/www_server.conf with setting "setenv allow_create_new_profile Y".


    • Article last edited: 19-Aug-2016