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    How to manually download Service Pack when local security prevents ftp via util_sp

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    Manually login, retrieve the current SP file, and load it onto our Aleph 21 server.

    1. Get the FTP address of the SP
    2. Get the login and password to the SP server
    3. FTP the necessary files
    4. What directory does the SP need to end up in on the Aleph 21 server
    5. Once we get the SP in the correct location, can we use the util menu from that point on to complete the SP install?

    For 1 and 2, see Article 000022899 ("Download information Aleph 22 Service Pack"). The info is the same for v21 except you would change all "22"s to "21".

    3. To see what directory the SP files should be placed in, do:

    > util_sp then 1, then 4.

    You will see something like: "Service pack download dir: /exlibris/aleph/a21_1/alephm/scratch/sp "

    That is where you need to place the files.

    4. Download, in binary mode, all ALEPH-2n.0n-ServicePack-n-nnnn.tar.gz_ax files and the xxxx-Bin-yyyy.tar.gz_ax files.
    (For Linux the latter would be the xxxx-Bin-Linux.tar.gz_ax files.) Leave the files tarred and zipped. (Always use binary for files with are zipped or tarred.)

    5. You should, from that point on, be able to use the util_sp menu ("3. Check SP Download status" and "4. Install SP") to complete the SP install.

    Category: System Management (500)

    • Article last edited: 12/10/2014