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    How to override date format of aleph_start in printouts

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    HAve a 'user-friendly' date (MMMMDDYYYY) for all our batch jobs in aleph_start - notices to users, etc. This date format is also use for the Z30-date-last-returned on the shelf list report. On this batch report, would like to have YYYYMMDD so we can sort on this column (after we load it into Excel).

    Is it possible to change the date using a trn? I notice this line in the global.trn:
    z30-date-last-return DATE S

    Is there a way to nulify this in a trn for shelf-list-01 so that the DATE without "translation" would be raw, i.e. YYYYMMDD?

    The line referenced "z30-date-last-return DATE S " will simply add separators to dates. Instead use the "NONE" option in a .trn file. The NONE option returns raw data. The following uses shelf-list.xsl as an example of how to create the necessary file. With this example, create a shelf-list.trn and have it contain the following:

    ! M
    ! /
    !Tag Type S Parameters
    z30-date-last-return NONE S

    After creating shelf-list.trn dlib to the bibliographic library and run util I/6. A printout of shelf-list.xsl will contain the last return date in the format yyyymmdd.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013