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    Incorrect subfield order in Correct Heading v22

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 22

    Problem Symptoms: 

    Problem in the order of headings when using the Correct Heading function. When a subfield is added in the correct location in the string, selecting the Correct Heading button moves the subfield to the end of the string. Catalogers are not able to effectively review headings that appear in New lines window when the subfields are out of order.



    This issue has been addressed in version 22 rep_change 2096, which will be included in 22.1 Minor Release (to be released in December):

    Description: GUI-Search-Browse - Correct heading - Sub-field order will based on a new TAB100 flag.
    A new flag (TAB100-CORRECT-HEADING-ORDER) has been added. The flag supported values:
    1 - Correct heading of existing subfields remains the original subfields order.
    0 - New or modified subfields are added to the beginning of the field The default value is '1'.

    Solution: Now, when a subfield is changed, there are two options for the order of the subfields.


    Note that this flag is relevant only when updating a single specific subfield. It has no affect when editing the full header string (all concatenated subfields).

    Additional Information

    Applying the fix routine ue_01 tab_expand_sort seems to correct the order during indexing, but affects all indexed bibs (rather than only those modified using Correct Heading) -- which is not acceptable.

    • Article last edited: 15-June-2016