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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Items still displaying in OPAC for inactive courses after p_course_03

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We had the problem described in KB 8192-5271. I made the changes to r-course-03 and r-course-04 to have them closely match the 'A' tree version. (eg changing usm30 to abc30).

    I re-ran these Course Reserves utilities, following .

    The log shows that the parameter list is now different, from prior to these changes.

    Fixed param: ABC30,crinactiv123108,ABCSL,00,NA,Y,

    However, I am still seeing in the Web OPAC items that are listed on the "Reading Not Linked to a Course"
    (course-reading-not-linked-00) Course-04


    Also, I am still seeing in the web OPAC Course Reserves that are for courses which are past their 12/21/08 ending date.

    (ie inactive courses) For example : Title = Introduction to the new politics of poverty for course hwc509

    I am still finding some of these resources listed.

    Course HAN416 has a date range of 9/03/08 to 11/08/08. I run the course3 & course4 and then
    later look in the Web OPAC under Course reserve.

    I find IMMUNOHEMATOLOGY (the only title for this course) as being on 2-Hour Loan in the Collection 'Course Reserves'.

    I am thinking the base course-03 ought to remove it from display in Course Reserves, and change the item back to being a regular loan item.

    Separately, when I search in Course Reserves, I am finding items that are not linked to any courses, as per report course-04

    Aleph preserves the inactive xxx30 courses and documents, so that they can be used again in the future. The idea is to prevent them from displaying to the public. This is done by adding an "NA" subfield to the course's z108_period field (and, by the expand_doc_course expand, the doc records as well) -- which I see that p_course_03 *has* done.

    In order to prevent inactive courses from displaying in the Reserves OPAC, you need to specify a local_base value which has a "not wpe=na". Here are your current tab_base.eng abc30 bases:

    ABC30 Course Reserves ABC30 EXU30 USM30 ABC30 N
    ABC30_1 Crs Rsv Spring ABC30 EXU30 ABC30 N wpe=s1 no
    t wpe=NA
    ABC30_2 Crs Rsv Summer ABC30 EXU30 ABC30 N wpe=s2 no
    t wpe=NA
    ABC30_3 Crs Rsv Fall ABC30 EXU30 ABC30 N wpe=s3 no
    t wpe=NA
    ABC30_4 Crs Rsv Winter ABC30 USM30 ABC30 N wpe=s4 no
    t wpe=NA

    It would seem that the base which you would want patrons to be looking at now would be the ABC30_4 (Winter) base. But I find that your local_base values are everywhere pointing to "ABC30", which has no "not wpe=NA" parameter.

    The first thing you need to do is to change the Course Reserves link in the "Find" at the top of your web page to point to &local_base=ABC30_4 (rather than "ABC30").

    [Note: Instead of doing the above, the site changed the ABC30 tab_base entry to:

    ABC30 Course Reserves ABC30 EXU30 USM30 ABC30 N alldocuments not wpe=NA

    This also worked.]

    Then, do likewise in all the following ./www_f_eng/ files:


    (and possibly others).

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013