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    Message "Error in pickup sublibrary"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Problem Symptoms:
    * When staff attempts to place a hold request in the GUI, for some items the following error message generated:
    "Error in pickup sublibrary"

    Aleph is filling the pickup location according to setup of tab37.
    If no relevant line in tab37 is found the "Error in pickup sublibrary"-message may be displayed.

    * Check that all relevant cases are handled in ./abc50/tab/tab37.

    Example (Available items with status 20 should be requested).
    Old setup:
    ABC ## ## 20 N ABC
    (only non-available items can be requested).

    New setup:
    ABC ## ## 20 # ABC
    (both available and non-available items can be requested).

    * Restart PC Server and WWW Server.

    Additional Information

    The "Error in pickup sublibrary" is found in the following $aleph_dev/aleph/error_lng lines:

    check_z37: 0202 0000 L Error in pickup sublibrary
    check_z370: 0202 0001 L Error in pickup sublibrary
    pc_cir_c0419: 0042 0001 L Error in pickup sublibrary
    pc_cir_c0419: 0202 0001 L Error in pickup sublibrary
    www_f_heading: 9987 L Error in pickup sublibrary

    Category: Circulation (500)

    Subject: Hold requests (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013