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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    NewPrintType=Y causes printing problems

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We sent out the Aleph v.18 client with Alephcom/tab/alephcom.ini/NewPrintType=Y, as recommended on page 576 of the Systems Librarian guide. We have received many reports of problems related to this setting:

    1. CJK and other characters do not print. To test this on lms03, please set NewPrintType=Y. Open record 8018798. Set print option to Normal. Click control+p and choose any option. Control boxes are printed instead of the characters. If you change to preview and print the same record, the characters appear properly. Clearly the Preview setting is overrideing the NewPrintType=Y and using the I.E. print definitions.

    2. Page header and footer as defined in I.E. do not print on the products.

    3. Table setting in the xsl stylesheet are not reflected properly on the print out. This means tath addresses no longer align properly in window envelopes.

    4. You get the Print Setting dialog box rather than the Print Window dialog box, which causes an extra click because the focus does not snap to the print button. This has been reported previously in SI 8192-30680.

    We have asked users to update this setting to NewPrintType=N. We are concerned that we may be causing other problems by changing from the recommended settings. Can you please send more information on what this setting applies to and why this is the recommended option?

    [3] The address no longer aligns for the envelope window because the IE header/footer have been removed. Add a similarly-sized header to solve the problem.
    Regarding the 2nd problem in your last step (using more paper), have you checked that it’s using the same font? It’s either the font or the cell-spacing from what I can see.
    NAME=Times New Roman
    As a general answer to your excellent points, I can tell you that its use and documentation are being reviewed at this time. My recommendation was that HTMLprint should NOT be the recommendation and default of v18 and, at a minimum, that a brief discussion of the pros and cons of its use should be included in the documentation (or, if nowhere else, the Knowledge Base).

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013