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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    No fine for Items returned after z36_recall_due_date

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We don't fine for regular overdues but would like to fine for overdue recalls. We have the tab18.eng 0050, 0051, 0052, and 0053 lines set to make this happen, but, in most cases, find that no fine is produced.

    In tab16, for the common combination of item-status 16, patron status 08, I find that you have (in col. 7) a Grace period of 30 days.

    This applies to both regular overdues *and* recall overdues. (See KB 8192-4556.)

    I find that, in the cases where the recall-due-date is more than 30 days in the past, a fine *does* show in GUI Circ and, when returned, a recall overdue fine *is* assessed.

    It seems it is your intention that the recall overdue fine will apply *immediately* after the recall overdue date has passed. If so, you need to change the tab16 "Grace days" (col. 7) and restart the pc_server.

    There was a concern: "without the 30 day grace period wouldn't that kick in the billing cycle and lost status 30 days earlier than it does now?"

    The answer is "no". The billing cycle and lost status is determined striclty by abc50 tab32. This cycle is completely independent of the grace period.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013