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    Overlaying/merging records via OCLC

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 17.01

    Is there a way to merge or overlay records in ALEPH?

    We have many brief records that we've created and would like to keep the original system number and acquisitions information but would like to merge or overlay the record with an OCLC record.

    The 020 and 035 fields are broken into a020/z020 and a035/z035 for indexing purposes (so $$a and $$z will be indexed separately). It seems that this may be causing the matching not to work.

    I have added the plain 020 and 035 (to tab11_ind) as fields to be indexed.

    Please do this:

    1. Bring up a bib record you want to overlay in Cataloging.

    2. Send this record to the server. (You do not need to make any change.)

    3. Export the complete record from OCLC as you normally would.

    #1 and 2 are being done to recreate the Aleph index entries prior to the overlay attempt. If this test works, then I will rerun p_manage_05 to recreate the Direct index for *all* of the records -- which would make steps 1 and 2 unnecessary.

    Note: After doing this, the overlay worked but the merge was incorrect. We corrected it by updating the abc01 tab_merge_overlay (reversing the 1's and 2's, per KB 8192-10007) and restarting the oclc_server.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013