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    Post upgrade actions in the course reading library

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    The structure of the Course Reading module has changed completely in v19. Most visible is the move of the entire course reading function from a Web module to the Circulation GUI. Furthermore the structure of the data was massively changed. For example the Z108 course data was moved from the Course Reading Library (xxx30) to the ADM library (xxx50). For displaying course records in the WWW OPAC, the union view is now applied to them.

    For these reasons you have to perform some actions after the upgrade to restore all the links between records and to get them correctly displayed in the WWW OPAC. These actions are described in the Upgrade Express User Guide (18 to 19) and in the Course Reading Syslib Guide. However, we realise that many customers forgot some of these actions and therefore encounter problems with their course records. We would like to provide a checklist for you what needs to be done AFTER the upgrade to v19 (or, if you move directly from 18 to 20, after the upgrade to v20).

    Note that if you do not maintain a Course Reading Library, there is no need for you to do anything of the below.

    Checklist of actions to get the links restored and the courses displayed in the WWW OPAC:

    1. Run the services manage-05, manage-01 and manage-02 (in this sequence) in your CRS library.

    2. Set bases in your $alephe_tab/tab_base.lng. You need to duplicate your CRS library and add another line with the prefix "U-". For example,
    if your CRS library is XYZ30, you need these two lines:

    XYZ30 Course XYZ30 N
    U-XYZ30 Course XYZ30 XYZ30 N alldocuments not wst=(suppressed or deleted)

    3. Perform the services union-01 and union-02 in your CRM library. You may run these services with the default settings. If you see messages
    about a missing tab_stm table in the logs of these services, you may ignore them.

    4. Run this command from the command line:
    >> csh -f $aleph_proc/create_z127

    5. In your CRS library create the Z127 triggers. Run UTIL-A-17-6-1-1 (Create/Recreate ALL Library Triggers) for this purpose.

    6. Run service manage-12 in the CRS library. The settings should be "Delete all links" = N and "Check old records" = Y

    Every other option should be done by the Upgrade Express Kit. For example in tab_expand the WEB related lines with expand_doc_course
    should have been replaced with expand_doc_merge_union_crs. These actions are step 55 of the 18/19 upgrade kit, see details in the step
    decriptions in the UE guide.

    Actions that need to be performed regularly: The service union-04 needs to run on a regular basis. After performing all above actions you should add it to your job list. This is necessary to get course records correctly displayed that are created in the future. We recommend a daily run. If you perform a very large amount of changes in your CRS library, you might consider to run it more often.

    This KB entry was originally posted as Tips & Advice letter no. 47 by the European support team.

    See KB 16384-25617 for a complete list of post-upgrade Course Reading steps.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013