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    Refine and Filter in 16.02

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    How do the Refine and Filter functions work in version 16.02?

    1. When the number of records displayed is less than the total number of records in the set, if set_default_z110_create_order is set to "D" (Descending), the system will include the highest system numbers in the set displayed. (Note: This is *currently* the case. We just wanted to emphasize this since there has been some confusion about it.)

    2. When a set is used for further retrieval ("Refine" using an additional boolean query or "Cross" of sets under Previous Searches), the entire set (not just the display-set) is taken into consideration. (Note: This, also, is currently the case in 16.02.)

    3. We suggest eliminating or reducing the role of Filters which do not use an additional boolean query but operate against the display set alone. The filters we refer to here are those on the "Filter" screen (./www_f_eng/short-filter).} If there are 50,000 hits and 5000 are displayed and you Filter for the "New records", you will get the new records from the 5000 records only.) Some filters, such as year-of-publication range, have a Word-search equivalent which can be used instead of the filter. We will have further suggestions about this in a separate email. Note that we are *not* talking here about the location, language, format, and publication-year limits which you see on the distributed Basic Search screen and on the Refine screen in 16.02. These limits are based on Word searches and operate on the entire set.

    Additional Information

    16.02, refine, filter

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013