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    Second cir-51 run on same day produces fewer notices

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 21

    Problem Symptoms:
    Two runs of cir-51 (Overdue and Lost Billing Summary Letter) are done on the same day.

    * The output of the first run is used to check for items on the shelf, to ensure patrons are not notified about an overdue of something they have already returned.
    * Then a second run is performed and the notices are actually sent.

    Today, the first run produced 29 overdue notices, while the second produced only five.

    The reason that fewer notices are being produced in the second cir-51 run is that the z36_letter_date has been updated to today's date. When the second run occurs cir-51 sees that a notice has already been sent today and does not send another one.

    Specify "No" for "Update Database" in the first submission, and "Yes", in the second.

    Category: Circulation (500)

    Subject: Patrons

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013