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    Unable to Display US Congressional Serial Set in OPAC or GUI Search

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    When running the p_manage_07, I came across this error in the p_manage_07.00045 log:
    Error - unable to display more than 2000 items for sys. no : 000472085

    This seems to be the only error so I am wondering what to do with it?
    It just hangs when trying to find the record in the GUI and the server when using the doc number.

    UTIL-F-3-12 for abc01 doc record 472085 shows that the linked records are abc60 records.

    The following SQL shows that there are links to 4,200 abc60 records:

    SQL-ABC01> select substr (Z103_REC_KEY,1,5), count (*) from z103 where Z103_REC_KEY_1 like 'ABC01000472085%' group by substr (Z103_REC_KEY,1,5);
    SUBSTR(Z103_REC_KEY,1,5) COUNT(*)
    ------------------------------------------------ ----------
    ABC01 33
    ABC60 4200
    ABC50 1

    Looking at these abc60 records, I see this:

    8523 L $$aAbU$$bABCPD$$cGOVDJ$$hY1.1/2:13549
    8523 L $$aAbU$$bABCPD$$cGOVDJ$$hY1.1/2:13575
    8523 L $$aAbU$$bABCPD$$cGOVDJ$$hY1.1/2:13602

    That is, there's a separate HOL for each volume of this U.S. Congressional serial set. Though you may want to have an item record for each volume, you certainly do not want to have a separate HOL record for each.

    I suggest that you do the following to eliminate these excessive HOL records:

    1. Run p_ret_01 in odn60, looking for HOL records with an LKR field like this:
    LKR L $$aHOL$$lABC01$$b000472085
    There should be 4,200.

    2. Use the output from #1 as input to p_print_03, specifying ALL as the "Field 1", "ALEPH Sequential" as the format, and no fix, no expand, no character conversion.

    3. Check the file output by #2 to confirm that the 4,200 HOL records are there.

    4. Run p_manage_21, using the file from step #1 (the p_ret_01 output) as input and specifying "DEL Y" as the field you want to add.

    5. Do UTIL-F-3-12 for abc01 doc 000472085. If the preceding step 4 worked, you should not see any ABC60 records.

    6. You should now be able to display BIB 472085 in the GUI Search and the OPAC.

    7. Have a cataloger go into ABC01 BIB 000472085 and create an HOL record. It should have this as the 852 field:
    8523 L $$aAbU$$bABCPD$$cGOVDJ$$hY1.1/2

    8. Optional: Have the cataloger add an 866 field to the HOL record created in the previous step. The cataloger could use the volume numbers seen in the 4,200 records written out in step 2 to generate this 866 field -- or possibly some other source of information.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013