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    Unable to access USM libraries

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    USM50 is already in Library.ini within ALEPHCOM. From within the client when we right click the "temple" icon to connect to "USM50 - USMARC Administrative" you get the error message "Username does not exist". According to the staff privileges USM50 is allocated to the users we have tried ealthough when you pick "Access rights" it isn't in the list.

    USR00 is always the pw_library for the USMnn libraries. Thus, when you try to connect to a USMnn library, the system checks for the user name in the z66 table of the USR00 library. I can see that the pw_library on your server is your own 50 library. That is why you can't connect to the USM libraries with your local user names. You can access the usm libraries wih ALEPH/ALEPH login - is this good enough?

    Otherwise you could add your logins to usr00 - either by temporarily changing the pw_library in aleph_start to usr00, then logging into usm01 as aleph/aleph and creating these users, or you could use p_file_03 in XXX50 on z66 and z67, move the sequential files to usr00/files and use p_file_04 to load them into usr00 (using Append rather than Replace so as not to overwite the z66/z67s already present in usr00).

    Additional Information

    USM USM50 Username does not exist

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013