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    Upgrade Express: Omitting an empty parallel indexing library

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    We've used parallel libraries fcl03 and fcl04 for keyword indexing in the past. Looking at fcl01's file_list, I think all we're using at present is fcl04. As part of the move/upgrade to our new servers, I'm wondering what the implications of eliminating fcl03 might be, if any, during the upgrade to v.20. It seems like the pump/dump phase of the move would take less time if we dropped libraries we don't need. What do you advise?

    In seeing whether a particular parallel library is being used, you need to do util a/17/5/1 in that library. This will show you the library synonyms which are currently actually active. (The file_list shows you what *would* be active if the synynoms were recreated; there could be a difference between these two.)

    Anyway, util a/17/5/1 also shows that only fcl04 is being used -- no fcl03.

    So, yes, I think that you should not bother with running Upgrade Express on fcl03. I suggest that you do util a/17/1 ALL on fcl03 before starting the upgrade. (Make sure you do this for fcl03 and not any other library!) That way the extraneous records which are present in fcl03 won't be carried over and won't be confusing anyone.

    I think that fcl03 should continue to exist (in this empty state) since I believe that it *will* be needed for future parallel indexing.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013