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    Upgrade Express: kit did not add z73 into alb30 file_list

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    In upgrade (17 -> 18 step) there is a warning that the kit did not add z73 into abc30 file_list.

    A_WARNING: z73 was not added to file_list under abc30
    A_WARNING: z73_id was not added to file_list under abc30
    A_WARNING: z73_id1 was not added to file_list under abc30
    A_WARNING: z73_id2 was not added to file_list under abc30
    A_WARNING: z73_id3 was not added to file_list under abc30
    A_ERROR: cannot find data in file_list in abc30
    ABC01 Z73_ID Z73
    A_ERROR: The table z73 does not exist in abc30.
    ABC01 Z73_ID1 Z73
    A_ERROR: The table z73 does not exist in abc30.
    ABC01 Z73_ID2 Z73
    A_ERROR: The table z73 does not exist in abc30.
    ABC01 Z73_ID3 Z73
    A_ERROR: The table z73 does not exist in abc30.

    My question, do we need z73 in the abc30 lib?

    As noted in KB 6994: "The z73 should be defined in each library into which you are loading records using the Marcive (p_file_99) or OCLC loaders."

    Since you won't be loading records into abc30, you do not need the z73 there. But you can add it, if you like to avoid these error messages.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013