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    Upgrade Express doesn't generate proper ITM Z103s for xxx30; running p_manage_12

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    [This is an off-shoot of KB 16384-14195. That KB describes how items can be created in the GUI Circ with or without ITM links. This KB addresses the case where this happens in the Upgrade Express.]

    For Course Reserves type ADM links (when there is no link via an xxx01 BIB record), there are two xxx30 doc records. The first is linked to the second via an SID field:

    Reading doc 000000315
    SID L $$abc30-000000316 ... )

    A z103 type-ADM link to the first of these records is always generated, but Upgrade Express is not producing the link to the second record (the Connection record).

    When there is no z103 ITM-type link to the second record, the item does not display in the Course Doc List – Item Information display. UTIL-F-3-12 for the ADM record shows this in such a case:
    ENTER DOC-NUMBER : 238950
    USM30 000000315 ADM

    When a proper z103 type ITM link exists, it looks like this:
    ENTER DOC-NUMBER : 238950
    USM30 000000315 ADM
    USM30 000000316 ITM <-------------

    The only way to correct the situation and to make the items be included in the Course Doc List is to run p_manage_12 for the xxx30 library, specifying:
    "Delete all Links?" "No" and
    "Check Old Records?" "Yes".

    CCLA had to run the p_manage_12 on each of their 27 xxx30 libraries, post-Upgrade-Express, in order to solve this problem.

    The document "Upgrade Express 18.01 to 19.01 User Guide.doc" has had the following added to section 8.3:

    Run p_manage_12 with “No” for “Delete all links' and “Yes” for 'Check Old Records' in each xxx30 library.

    KEYWORDS: manage_12 p-manage-12

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013