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    Upgrade Express tries to upgrade USR00 library rather than actual $usr_library


    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care


    The Upgrade Express logs show that the steps which work with the $usr_library (that is 20-21 steps 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1031, 1039, and 1040; and 21-22 steps 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, and 1005) are operating on the USR00 library rather than the actual, local $usr_library. 

    Following the upgrade, attempts to access $usr_library tables affected by the upgrade (such as the z303, z308, etc.) get the error "Variable not in select list". 

    USR00 is *not* specified in the UE "Upgrade parameters" as one of the libraries to be upgraded. 


    The aleph_start created by the AIK (Aleph Installation Kit) has the line: 

    setenv usr_library USR00 

    Though the Upgrade Express install_customer_data step has written an aleph_start and/or an aleph_start.private which has a "setenv usr_library" with the correct local library, this aleph_start has either not been "source"d or aleph_shutdown/aleph_startup has not been run. One of these needs to be done in order for the changed aleph_start/aleph_start.private to be in effect. 

    Thus, the first thing that needs to be done is the run aleph_shutdown/aleph_startup (if not already done). Following that, there are two ways to handle this situation: 

    1. If time is not an issue, that is, if this is just a test run, the simplest and surest thing is to 

    a. re-run the "2. Install customer data" step, selecting "3. Run all steps > 999 (Oracle data related)", then 
    b. re-run the "3. Run upgrade express" step, selecting "3. Run all steps > 999 (Oracle data related)" 

    2.. Since these steps failed completely (that is, they didn't make any partial updates), under the "3. Upgrade Express" menu option, choose "2. Run a specific step" and re-run each the steps which failed because of the $usr_library problem.



    • Article last edited: 02-Mar-2016