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    p-file-90: Is there a way to load orders and items for differing sublibraries?

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20


    One of our faculty libraries does acquisitions work for itself and another, smaller library. The acquisitions work all takes place within the faculty library so the order should have the faculty library as sublibrary but the items should have the other library as sublibrary.
    I tried to setup xxx50/tab/tab_loader_def as follows:

    Z30-SUB-LIBRARY TESTPFILE90 <other library>
    Z68-SUB-LIBRARY TESTPFILE90 <faculty library>

    But it doesn't work, both the order and the item received the other library as sublibrary. The line for Z68-SUB-LIBRARY had been ignored.

    Is there any way I can load orders and items for differing sublibraries or will the staff have to make the change in the holdings record manually?


    No, there is no way you can load orders and items for differing sublibraries. it is hardcoded to use the value from Z30-SUB-LIBRARY as Z68-SUB-LIBRARY so the sublibrary from the order will always be the same as the item sublibrary.

    Category: Acquisitions (500)

    Subject: EDI (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013