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    p_file_20: Patron Unable to load ("Login record belongs to other patron")

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    I am trying to load a patron (with PLIF) that will not add due to this error:

    + <section-02>
    + <line-number>000245</line-number>
    + <table-name>z308</table-name>
    + <action>WRITE</action>
    + <match-id>0160000001035872</match-id>
    + <user-name>Howley, Caitlin M.</user-name>
    + <patron-id>MLC900002526</patron-id>
    + <msg-code>5037</msg-code>
    + <msg-desc>Cannot update/delete record. Login record belongs to other patron</msg-desc>
    + </section-02>

    However, I have tried to find the existing record by using SQL and it returns 0 rows.

    SQL-PWD50> select * from z308 where z308_id like '%60000001035872%';

    no rows selected

    SQL-PWD50> select * from z308 where z308_id like '%MLC900002524%';

    no rows selected

    SQL-PWD50> select * from z308 where z308_rec_key like '%60000001035872%';

    no rows selected

    SQL-PWD50> select * from z308 where z308_rec_key like '%MLC900002524%';

    no rows selected

    [ <Jerry Specht > ]

    [ <Jerry Specht > ]

    [From site:] I was able to find the key in 03 record in z308 that was causing problems. It is:


    This person received a new bar code and ID card, but the same patron ID number. When adding a record we create an 03 record with the person's patron ID number. When the new record with the new bar code was being added into the database, it caused an error because the 03 record already existed with the previous barcode record. I deleted the 03 record from her old record and ran the patron load and it created the new bar code records including the 03 record in z308. We need to readdress our procedures.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013