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    p_manage_17 doesn't run / takes too long

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    I need to run manage-17.

    abc30_p_manage_17 runs OK. But p_manage_17 for for abc01 and abc10 give the messages below, any solution?

    No match

    Looking at the $alephe_scratch logs, I find that p_manage_17 for abc10 completed at 2 am this morning.

    The abc10 util g/2 shows that it completed successfully: last-long-acc-number = last-acc-number.

    p_manage_17 for abc01, started yesterday at 11:40 am, is still running.

    The $alephe_scratch/abc01_p_manage_17.01045 shows that it was started with just one process.

    These messages in the abc01_p_manage_17.01045:

    No match

    are of no special significance.

    To see the progress of the job you need to look at the $data_scratch files p_manage_17.cycles and p_manage_17_a_n.log.

    The job creates 5 cycles for each process. p_manage_17.cycles shows that the first cycle (of 5) is done and that the second cycle is being worked on.

    The last line written in the p_manage_17_a_1.log is:

    307308 READING ACC 005333598 AT 11:12:27

    This means that it is at the beginning of the second cycle. If the job had been run with five processes, it would be done by now. (But those processes *could* slow down online activity.)

    The best practice would be to run the job over the weekend with, for instance, 10 processes. The job should complete in about 12 hours.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013