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    p_manage_33 doesn't delete records even though BATCH-DELETE's are commented

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    I'm trying to delete a large group of bib records identified via p_ret_03. The job, abc01_p_manage_33.00130, does not show any errors. All BATCH-DELETE lines in abc01/tab/check_doc are commented out. There are no errors in the log, but the items are not being deleted. I need to delete these old records so I can replace them with new ones.

    Another value that can prevent the deletion of a bib record by p_manage_33 (aside from the BATCH-DELETE lines) is the Z66 ("Password Information") Cat. OWN Permission of the user who is logged onto the GUI submission screen.

    (The Cat. OWN Permission can be seen in the Skeleton key on the lower right -> Staff Privileges -> Modify user screen.)

    If this field has a value other than "Global", p_manage_33 checks to see if the OWN field of the bib record it is trying to do delete matches this value. If not, it skips the record.

    If you want the user to be able to delete the records in this case, you need to do one of two things:

    1) change the Cat. OWN Permission to match the OWN field value in the bib record -- or change it to "Global", or

    2) delete the OWN field from the bib record.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013