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    searches through PC server and WWW server return slightly different results

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph

    Shared symptoms:

    - same searches through PC server and WWW server return slightly different results for a short time
    - searches in logical bases are working in WWW server with a certain delay although records got indexed through ue_01_z0102


    In the WWW server architecture there is indeed a caching mechanism and
    that is the reason why in a short time (after the indexing of the new record/item),
    the search result might not be changed accordingly as the previously cached result
    is used automatically instead.

    After every 300 seconds the cache is initialized and a new search will include
    then all relevant documents. Restarting the web server will also initialize the cache.

    The caching mechanism is very important regarding WWW server performance.

    PC server always returns exact search results and does not use caching.

    Additional Information

    pc search, web search,cache

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013