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    ue_11: Error: io_z105 - table doesn't exist in database or tab_io_remote for lib

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Problem Symptoms:
    In Aleph 18 there are the following errors in run_e_11.* logs of ./xxx50/scratch.
    We don't have/use abc03 and tab_io_remote in alephe_tab is empty. Please let us know what should be updated.

    For example: .../u18_1/abc50/scratch, run_e_11.14561 in abc50:
    2008-11-10 14:17:16 HANDLING Z30 - 005887127-000020 FROM LIBRARY ABC50
    2008-11-10 14:17:16 Update : 8 00 ABC01 ABC50:005887117000010
    2008-11-10 14:17:16 HANDLING Z30 - 005887117-000010 FROM LIBRARY ABC50
    2008-11-10 14:17:16 Update : 8 00 ABC01 ABC50:002353806000030
    2008-11-10 14:17:16 HANDLING Z30 - 002353806-000030 FROM LIBRARY ABC50
    2008-11-10 14:17:16 Update : 8 00 ABC03 ABC50:005887117000010
    Load: /tmp/utf_files/aleph/aleph/u18_1/alephe/tab/tab_io_remote
    2008-11-10 14:17:16 Error: io_z105 - table doesn't exist in database or tab_io_remote for library: 'ABC03'.
    2008-11-10 14:17:16 Update : 8 00 ABC03 ABC50:005887127000020
    2008-11-10 14:17:16 Error: io_z105 - table doesn't exist in database or tab_io_remote for library: 'ABC03'.

    Configuration of table tab_z105

    It seems that your intention is to no longer use abc03, but the ./abc50/tab/tab_z105 has the following line:


    and the $alephe_tab/library_relation has the following lines:

    ADM ABC03 ABC50
    HOL ABC03 ABC60
    BIB ABC50 ABC03
    BIB ABC60 ABC03

    1. Comment out / delete the above lines
    2. Stop / Restart ue_11 in the $z105_library
    3. Restart PC server
    4. In addition, you need to delete the existing $z105_library z105 records which have "ABC03" as the Z105_TARGET_LIBRARY
    SQL> select count(*) from z105 where Z105_TARGET_LIBRARY = 'ABC03';


    (When it fails to do the update, the system *keeps* the z105 record, updating the Z105_NO_TRY counter, and another attempt is made in the next run.)

    The following SQL shows the number of attempts:

    SQL> select Z105_NO_TRY, count(*) from z105 where Z105_TARGET_LIBRARY = 'ABC03' group by Z105_NO_TRY order by Z105_NO_TRY;

    If you find that *all* of the z105's have the obsolete library (in this case, ABC03) as the Z105_TARGET_LIBRARY, then you can do util a/17/1 for the z105 to drop/create the z105.

    5. Contact your Ex Libris Support for help on this task.

    Category: System Management (500)

    Subject: Server Tables (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013