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    z00p.pdf incorrect in saying last_publish_seq should be in bib library

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    The z00p.pdf document has the following statement: "The sequence is based on the last_publish_seq Oracle sequence that must be present in the library that is published (e.g. USM01)."

    This is WRONG!

    The Implementation Notes of v18 rep_change 630 say: "In the USR library, create the Oracle sequence last_publish_seq using Util A/17/9/2."

    And, as can be seen in the alephe_root/tab/file_list.USR, the LAST_PUBLISH_SEQ is in the $usr_library.

    The above sentence in the z00p.pdf has been changed to:

    This field contains the unique identifier of the published record. The sequence is based on the last_publish_seq Oracle sequence that is present in the $publishing_library ("setenv publishing_library") or, if not specified, in the $usr_library. Note that it is recommended to recreate the sequence (UTIL A/17/9/2) when the z00p is recreated.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013