How to find records with both physical and electronic inventory
You can identify records with mixed inventory via the Titles subject area in Analytics using the following criteria:
Select these columns:
Bibliographic Details, MMS Id
Titles Measures, Num of Physical Items (Active)
Titles Measures, Num of Portfolios (Active)
Add these filters:
Num of Physical Items (Active) is greater than 0.
Num of Portfolios (Active) is greater than 0.
This can be useful in identifying records that were improperly overlaid during import or migration. For example, in cases when the match point in an import profile is matching on non-unique identifiers (such as ISBN or the "fuzzy" matching methods).
Additional columns from the Bibliographic Details folder may assist in troubleshooting efforts. The Resource Type column can provide a clue as to whether the bibliographic record is meant to refer to an electronic or physical resource, and the Originating System Date, Modification Date and others may help to determine the origin and cause of the unwanted resource mixing.