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    Alma Loan blocked - Item not Loanable

    • Product: Alma


    Fulfillment Unit Rules and Terms of Use (ToU) for 2 Hours Student Loan setup indicates that loans are possible.
    But I keep getting "Item not Loanable" when I try to loan or use the Fulfillment Utility.


    This issue is caused by the ToU.
    Note that the '2 Hour Student' is setup correctly when viewed on its own.
    However, there was also a library-level ToU with the same name assigned.
    This library-level ToU was overwriting the Institution Zone (IZ) level ToU.

    When the original IZ-level ToU was updated, the Organization Unit being configured was the Library-level instead of the Institution-level.
    When edits are completed on the library-level, it creates a "clone" of the original ToU in that library, which overwrites the original IZ-level ToU.

    To fix this do the following:

    1. Go to Alma Configuration: Configuring: Your Library > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment: Terms of Use and Policies

    2. Find the offending ToU (i.e. the only one with "Library" in the ToU Owner column) and delete it.
    Once deleted, only the library-level "clone" will be deleted; the original IZ-level ToU will remain.

    3. Retest your loan using the Fulfillment > Advanced tools: Fulfillment Configuration Utility to confirm that it now works.

    Additional Information

    See also: Physical Fulfillment




    • Article last edited: 18-Feb-2020