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    Can purged users be viewed once deleted?

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Alma


    Can purged users be viewed in Analytics once deleted?


    It depends on the setting of the "Delete User Policy" (in "User Configuration Menu"). There are three options:

    * KEEP FULLY REPORTABLE: The users are removed from the UI only, all data remain in Analytics.
    * KEEP STATISTICS: User group, job category and the data in the statistics tab is retained, everything else is deleted.
    * FULLY REMOVE: All data is deleted, nothing is retained.

    When you change the policy from "fully reportable" to "keep statistics", this will also apply to all users previously deleted. So the next ETL will also remove user data that were originally retained.
    When you change the policy from "keep statistics" to "fully reportable", it will only apply to users that are deleted from now on. Previously purged user data is gone and cannot be brought back to the system.

    When you delete a user (instead of purging him) it will ALWAYS fully remove the user, no matter what the delete user policy is. So directly deleting a user is the same as purging with the setting "Fully remove".

    Subject: Alma analytics - Alma

    • Article last edited: 6/2/2014