Error trying to add portfolios from set to Local Electronic Collection
- Article Type: General
- Product: Alma
Problem Symptoms:
We want to create portfolios that reflect our acquisitions. There are instances where we would purchase two titles Journal A & Journal B for £10, these journals are not available to purchase separately and do not have individual prices. They are currently placed in a larger collection of journals. We would like to place one POL against a collection which contains both titles.
So for this purpose we wanted to create a new local collection and then add portfolios to it using 'Add from Set'. But when we click on submit we get a Java error.
The job can only add *standalone* portfolios to the local collection but your set contained portfolios that are already part of a CZ collection.
The only way you can create our own collection is to manually create local portfolios and add them to the collection.
If you don't have any local portfolios, it means that you have to create them, in order to then bundle them into the custom collection for purchasing. For creating the local portfolios, you could use the bib from the Community Zone, push it to the MD Editor and then choose menu File > Copy to Institution, then add local portfolio for it.
If the local collection that you want to create is specific for your institution, then this is the only solution.
If the local collection that you want to create is relevant for your region and used by other institutions as well, please open a case for the Data Services Team and we will add this collection to the Community Zone (e.g. collections for the NESLI consortium already exist in the Community Zone).
Category: Resource Management - Alma
- Article last edited: 7/28/2014