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    Repository Search - How are Results Sorted (Ranked)?

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Alma


    When doing any repository search the results are seemingly randomly ordered. For example, an author search doesn't display the results alphabetically. The same is true for a title search, Call Number, etc.


    The Alma repository search is based on the Apache Lucene(TM) search mechanism (

    Looking at a title search as an example:

    * A Repository search checks first the Title index before any other
    * It prefers an exact match
    * The search calculates the weight, or percentage, of the searched words within the title

    For example, a search on “history” will retrieve these records, and order them thus:

    * The study of history
    * History and the study of chemistry

    Fields and subfields, indexed for the Title, please find in the Online Help > Available Search Indexes then choose the relevant format, for example, MARC 21 Search Indexes

    Category: Repository search

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013